The lives of the elite Navy S.E.A.L.s as they train, plan and execute the most dangerous, high-stakes missions our country can ask. I for one love this series. I was a bit skeptical in the beginning but after watching the first episode I was hooked. <br/><br/>I did not like the fact that there was a CIA agent attached to the team and that character follows them on all missions. Seal Teams are all black ops and no one is supposed to know what they are doing except the commanding officer, the team members themselves and the Secretary of the Navy and maybe a few of the other joint Chiefs of staff. <br/><br/>I can not wait to see future episodes and hopefully this series will be around for a long time and not just the average 5-8 season. This is an amazing program and I hope it comes back for season 2. <br/><br/>You cannot make a war drama like this 100% accurate. It doesn't happen. Not even Blackhawk down was accurate but you didn't see people moaning about that. <br/><br/>Love this program.
Matflor replied
338 weeks ago